Cooperativa Mamoncito in its philosophy and mission statement, includes within its corporate strategy, the precepts of Social Responsibility. Which are monitored through a tool designed by the German Confederation of Cooperatives, DGRV, an organization with whom we work hand in hand to continue promoting the Cooperative sector in the Dominican Republic and the world. This Social Balance tool is through which we monitor issues such as financial inclusion, social and green economy, social justice and equity, giving scores to ratios such as women's participation, youth participation, inclusion and participation of vulnerable groups, showing high standards and improvement in more than 70 indicators. This is evidence of the management carried out by the Social Responsibility Unit, which is coordinated by business management but is an integral part of our organizational culture.
Some of the most relevant information, linked to credit procedures, is that the WOMEN sector, represented by 2,493 members, has in its possession a total of DOP$1,206,485,540.00, which represents 24% of the total portfolio. Of the total enrollment of borrowers, 34% are women, the rest are distributed among men and companies.
In what corresponds to young people, it has 16% of the portfolio. Taking youth as a criterion, that is, people aged 35 or less. This part of our credit portfolio amounts to DOP$800,000.00 million pesos. For these lines mentioned above, we have particularities in the conditions to promote financial inclusion and the formalization of loans for Dominican men and women in this way. Above all, those who, due to their youth, are starting out in the world of finance.